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Augment your singing skills with FSM Buddy to grip the audience

You may think that you're trapped with the voice you have, but this isn't true. You can change the way your singing sounds and end up singing better than ever. Sounds too good to be true? Well, it's not. Being able to sing is a beautiful gift, but many people get the wrong idea and consider singing well out of their reach. In general, people think that a broad vocal range or being pitch-perfect is something you are born with.

Hence, many people think that singing is a gift that only some enjoy. As luck would have it, we are going to let you in on a little secret: you can learn how to improve your singing voice. A beautiful voice is not a gift given to only a few. Breath-taking sounds, ideal vocal tones, perfect pitch, and strong vocal muscles aren’t always something you are born with. But they are something you can learn to shape with practice.

Everyone is born with a different voice and vocal range. The art of learning how to sing and how to improve your individual singing voice is learning how to work with the tools you already have in your toolbox. Working to improve your singing voice takes a combination of ingredients: balance, coordination, and the right exercises.

Numerous factors are necessary for singing with a better voice, depending on your present fortes and weaknesses. It's crucial to focus on the exact areas that need development. Please make it a habit to always warm up your voice before singing. Warm-ups not only prepare your voice to sing better but also help to prevent vocal damage. Warming up your voice will get you ready for singing challenges, resulting in a happier and healthy voice.

1. Controlling Pitch

One of the most key aspects of being able to sing is getting your pitch under control. Singing off key, getting carried away, or wavering and losing your footing on some notes are all considered loss of vocal control and a tell-tale sign of an inexperienced singer. Once you start to gain control over your voice, you begin to win the battle of developing your best voice.

2. Durable Support

Imagine your vocal cord support as being the foundation on which you build a brilliant singing voice. Weak supports mean that a singer’s house will collapse under the weight. You can learn to strengthen your vocal support and sing better through breathing techniques, muscle and throat exercises, and constant vocal practice. When the voice is working well, the vocal cords act as a breath regulator; and the voice is well-supported through the balance of pressure and resistance. Don’t think of it so much as ‘breath support’ because it’s more like ‘breath management’ when the process is set up.

3. Drop the Jaw

The primary area to cover is the way you open your mouth. The mouth is a strong resonator for sound. With the mouth barely open, your singing tone will remain stifled or hidden-sounding. You want to create enough space for the sound to come out. Don't be self-conscious about a substantial mouth opening. How will your tone ring unless your mouth is open enough for the sound to escape?

So give your singing a big boost by keeping the mouth open as you sing. You will rapidly hear a healthier and better sound. This is no time to be nervous. You're a singer, and the mouth is part of your singing instrument. But do avoid opening your mouth so broad as to create tension.

4. Breath Control

The voice cannot work to its full potential unless its raw energy is breath. Your singing sound rides on air, and it's for this reason you must learn to support your sound by breathing correctly. One reason singers go flat is that the voice is not supported well enough. Belly breathing, or diaphragmatic breathing, is necessary to put on the right amount of support. Maybe the following will help you to understand this a little better:

When you begin speaking/singing, air causes vibrations within the vocal cords, producing sound and continuing until you run out of air. If you are currently breathing in the air (inhaling) by using the upper portion of the lungs only (just the chest), you'll not only run out of air too early, but you may also find your sound is weak and breathy. Learning how to inhale by inflating around your waistline takes practice and plenty of it. Don't get discouraged or give up.

5. Sing Songs That Are Within Your Comfort Zone (Range)

This tip is fundamental—it can make all the difference when auditioning or performing.

Some singers find it easier to sing very high tones, while others are comfortable in the middle range, and still, others love singing lower sounds. Once you've discovered where your range is, be sure to stay within your range. When you sing higher than is natural for you, you may end up with vocal damage as you strain to hit the notes.

So, how do you know if a note is too high? Anytime you feel tightness or gripping in the throat, you can be sure that the note is out of your range (too high). Another sign that a particular note is too high to sing is croakiness. If you experience hoarseness after singing high notes, you must stop vocalizing. When you find a song that you want to sing, and it's in the wrong key for you (too high or too low), see if you can have someone transpose it down to be completely comfortable.

6. Encourage Confidence

Confidence plays a significant role when learning how to improve your singing voice. If you don’t believe in your voice while singing, your lack of confidence will creep through. Unfortunately, you might encounter a cracking voice, failing notes, mumbling, dropping your pitch, and struggling with both breath and posture.

A confident voice rings true. It doesn’t need to overreach or undershoot. Confidence will also make you a better performer and much more enjoyable to watch. The key to singing with confidence is finding your own voice and not mimicking anyone.

Once you have found your voice, practice again and again until you become comfortable with it. Work on a few songs until you have mastered them, or work with a vocal coach and take a few online singing classes to learn more skills.

All these singing tips for how to advance your voice aren’t just for developing beginners learning how to sing. They are tips and exercises that you can carry through to a professional level. Breathing, good posture, vocal warm-ups, vocal exercises, and the other little voice training tips and tricks will keep your vocal resonation bright and clear while pulling on the heartstrings of those who are lucky enough to hear you.

At Furtado’s School of Music, we believe that everyone should have access to high-quality singing classes online. We have well-prepared centers with musical instruments and the best set-ups all through the country. Furthermore, offer interactive music lessons online which brings music home virtually. With Furtado’s School of Music’s stress-free online music courses, you can master the instrument of your choice in the most convenient way.