Is dramatics good for kids?

Apart from academics, extracurricular activities play a huge role in how children develop, holistically and how their hobbies develop. Their personalities are shaped by the different kinds of experiences and exposures that they are subjected to. While traditional education and learning is important, enriching soft skills such as communication at an early age can be extremely beneficial to children in the long run. Dramatics is a learning experience unlike any other as it teaches children about themselves, their likes and dislikes and their abilities. 

Dramatics offers a sea of opportunities to children to express themselves. It gives them a chance to navigate through all the imagined fantasies in their heads. The list is endless. Read on to learn more about the several advantages of dramatics for kids. 

1. Builds Confidence 

Dramatics requires children to put themselves out there. To have the courage to stand up in front of a group of peers or even a crowd and to be able to deliver in front of this gathering. Dramatics involves children to engage in all aspects- emotionally, physically, verbally, intellectually and socially. Some children are reserved and shy and dramatics can help them come out of their shell. It serves as a safe space for them and can slowly guide them to be assertive and self-assured. 

2. Enhances Creativity 

Children often play-pretend and are riddled with expansive and far-reaching imaginations. Dramatics fosters creativity. A child can be a doctor, a pilot, a teacher all at once! They learn to understand things from various perspectives and to put themselves in the shoes of others. As a result, they learn to generate new ideas and gain an understanding of the world around them. A beautiful example of this is our Storytelling course, which helps kids enhance their creativity and imagination. You can learn about it on our website.

3. Strengthens communication skills 

With songs, dialogues and even by reading scripts, children learn new words and improve their vocabulary. Communication is not just limited to verbally expressing oneself. Dramatics gives children the tools to better communicate via their body language and facial expressions. They are taught to modulate their voices, to understand how speech can impact a situation, to learn the connotations behind why certain words are stressed, making them efficient and skilled communicators. 

4. Nurtures Social and emotional intelligence 

When children are encouraged to grasp a wide range of emotions, they are better able to understand their own emotions and feelings. They learn to develop empathy for others as they gain an understanding of how to read social cues, regulate emotions and monitor their own emotions. Through debate, dialogues and improvisation, children learn to develop integral social skills that last a lifetime and help them become intelligent individuals. 

5. Helps you become a team player 

It can be difficult for children to cooperate and work together with others who are different from them. Dramatics is nothing but a team activity. It will help children to understand the dynamics of being part of a large group and to effectively get along with others. Children who struggle with fitting in a group and tend to get intimidated by large groups, can overcome this with a fun drama exercise. Drama classes will encourage children to put themselves forward. 

They will learn to pay heed to the ideas of others and to simultaneously voice their opinions without disregarding any other opinions. 


Lastly, dramatics will help children develop thinking skills- to balance their own ideas while listening intently to those of others. Dramatics is not just bound by acting but also by the stage setting, the story, the characters, the sound and lights. Therefore, children will learn to express their thoughts in a manner that everybody will understand and to creatively develop a plan and execute it. 

For these reasons, we firmly believe that enrolling your child in dramatics will only go on to make them more well-rounded individuals!