Making music fun and easy through online learning

Never have we ever spent as much time indoors as we have this year. The pandemic has compelled us all to stay quarantined at home and many of us have found ways to spend this time on doing things we love but never find the time for in our hectic, daily schedules. Even without the ability to step outside, thanks to the Internet, everything is available at our fingertips- at the click of a button.

It has become increasingly easy to sit in the comfort of your home and have access to, for example, a person in the US can learn Carnatic music from a teacher in India! The opportunities are endless and the options are limitless. For years, humans have loved and enjoyed music- the composition, the playing, the singing. Music is inherently a fun art form that you can now learn online. There are myriad reasons as to why learning music online can be fun, let’s explore them!

1. Pick your own teacher

The internet has made it possible to learn from some of the best teachers in the world. There are no barriers to access anymore, which opens up the chance for you to take music lessons from a teacher that you resonate with, someone who will provide you with feedback and eventually help you in playing that song that you have always dreamed of playing. Right from childhood, we have seen that teachers can have an impact on students and are a fundamental tool in how quickly we can grasp something. Especially, if you want to learn a less mainstream instrument, it can be difficult to find a teacher in your vicinity. With online learning, you are not limited to the teachers in your city or your area and a whole field of expertise is waiting on the other side of the screen.

2. Convenience

The convenience of online learning is possibly its biggest selling point. Online Music Classes are flexible and do not command a rigid schedule unlike in-person lessons. The time that you would generally take to commute is saved. It also saves you the hassle of having to transport an instrument if you do not have a private vehicle and need to use public transport. It has become essential to practice social distancing and it has become the new normal for many of us. With things going forward, we may still have to maintain distance and it is ideal to still be able to learn new things and pursue hobbies from home.

3. Affordable

Online lessons can be lighter on your pocket. While traditional classes do offer the chance to interact with your teacher and other peers in-person, due to the remote aspect, online lessons are cheaper. They are often on a per class basis or a monthly subscription basis. This allows you to choose how much time and money you would like to spend on your classes as well.

4. Unique learning experience

Learning music can be a very personal experience. Even the most similar people can have vastly different music preferences. Studies have shown to find that music activates the reward center in the brain responsible for the feel-good neurotransmitter dopamine. Online lessons let you learn at your own pace, take your own time with music and savor it. You can go back to the video, pause it, take notes, practice simultaneously until you feel comfortable enough. You can choose to learn professionally or simply to pique your interest- there are no boundaries.

 You are essentially in control of how much you choose to learn and as compared to a more traditional way of learning, this can prove to be a more fulfilling experience!